If you believe that something should be done to help the thousands of children living without opportunities and on the streets of Brazil, then make a secure online donation, now.
There are many other ways in which you can give financial support to the work of Task Brasil. You can make a donation by post, set up a standing order or leave a legacy. Many people find that sponsoring a child is a rewarding way of supporting our work. If you belong to a company, there are many other ways you can help.
Ways to Give:
- Company donations
- Give as you earn
- Leave a legacy
- Share Gift
- Nominating Task Brasil when selling on Ebay
- Nominating Task Brasil for gifts In Memory, over Christmas, on your Anniversary or Birthday or other occasions.
Other ways to give or Contact us to discuss how you can help.
To make a donation to Task Brasil Inc please click the ‘Make a donation’ button.
Why not raise money for Task Brasil with a Personal Fundraising Page:
Sponsor a Child
To Sponsor a child for $20.00 per month, please click this button: